Creative Evolution

Creative Evolution: Natural Selection and the Urge to Remix

edited by Mark Amerika

Mark Amerika

Introduction: What Is Creativity?

What is Creativity?

In his Process and Reality
Alfred North Whitehead writes that

Creativity is the principle of novelty.

The concept of novelty or more specifically
novelty generation as the modus operandi of
all living creatures mutating in the remix pool
relates to current trends in networked art
where the artist-as-medium postproduces
the Source Material Everywhere
as part of a larger co-poietic unfolding
inside the networked space of flows (more...)

Cheryl A. Kerfeld
When Art, Science, and Culture Commingle

David P. Barash
Biology Lurks Beneath: Bioliterary Explorations of the Individual versus Society

Liane Gabora
The Beer Can Theory of Creativity

Elena Daprati, Marco Iosa, Patrick Haggard
A Dance to the Music of Time: Aesthetically-Relevant Changes in Body Posture in Performing Art

Marco Iacoboni, Istvan Molnar-Szakacs, Vittorio Gallese, Giovanni Buccino, John C. Mazziotta, Giacomo Rizzolatti
Grasping the Intentions of Others with One’s Own Mirror Neuron System

Chrisantha Fernando, K.K. Karishma, Eors Szathmary
Copying and Evolution of Neuronal Topology

Steven P. DiPaola and Liane Gabora
Incorporating Characteristics of Human Creativity into an Evolutionary Art Algorithm

Richard Samuels
Is the Mind Massively Modular?

Johan De Smedt
Toward an Integrative Approach of Cognitive Neuroscientific and Evolutionary Psychological Studies of Art

Mark Amerika
Source Material Everywhere

Mark Amerika
Ghost Tendencies

John Egenes
Commentary: The Remix Culture; How the Folk Process Works in the 21st Century

Geoffrey F. Miller
Aesthetic fitness: How Sexual Selection Shaped Artistic Virtuosity as a Fitness Indicator
and Aesthetic Preferences as Mate Choice Criteria

Julie Copeland
The Creative Urge: Elizabeth Grosz
