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Nervous perception: germinal articles in neuroscience on sensorimotor experience

What the Frog’s Eye Tells the Frog’s Brain’, J. Y. Lettvin, H. R. Maturana, W. S. McCulloch, and W. H. Pitts (originally published 1959, Proceedings of the IRE, 47, 11: 1940–1951
This is a link to the article on the ‘Papers’ page of Jerry Lettvin’s wiki (now maintained by his son, the neuroscientist Jonathan Lettvin). Once you have clicked on the link, you need to scroll down to ‘22’ to download the pdf.

Sensorimotor subjectivity and the enactive approach to experience’, Evan Thompson (originally published 2005, Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 4, 4:  407–427). This is a link to the author’s copy on his website, on the page ‘Selected Articles’. After clicking the link, scroll down to the heading ‘2006’ and select the pdf for download.