Cosmetic Surgery
Medicine, Culture, Beauty
edited by Bernadette Wegenstein
Plastic Reconstruction of Face, Red Cross Worker, Paris 1918 (National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD)
In this Parisian lab, facial parts are being plastered and put on a badly disfigured man (most likley a world war one veteran).
- Denis Diderot and Jean Baptiste Le Rond d'Alembert: "Chirurgie," in: Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers 1772
The listing of the three areas—medicine, culture, and beauty—in the subtitle of my Living Book on cosmetic surgery is not coincidental. The practice of cosmetic surgery—a surgical intervention into the body for merely aesthetic and not medical reasons—is a medical discipline, dating back to the times of the Hindu doctor Sushruta, who practiced rhinoplasty c. 500 BCE. The promise on which this medical discipline operates is, however, not only that of ‘health,’ but also that of ‘beauty,’ be it a restorative beauty that seeks to ‘repair’ what has been lost (due to age, accident, or illness)—hence reconstructive surgery—or a beauty that is yet to be born, or ‘carved out,’ with the help of an aesthetic surgeon's scalpel and with reference to the grounding pillars of beauty: symmetry and proportion. In both cases, the desire for such beauty can be defined as a cultural phenomenon: in the sense that it affects the way we humans look, what we want, and the way we define our appearance and correlate it to our inner qualities and characteristics. (more)
Public Health
- Joel Schlessinger, MD, FAAD, FAACS, Daniel Schlessinger, and Bernard Schlessinger, PhD
- Prospective Demographic Study of Cosmetic Surgery Patients
- Anne F Klassen, Andrea L Pusic, Amy Scott, Jennifer Klok, Stefan J Cano
- Satisfaction and quality of life in women who undergo breast surgery: A qualitative study
- Jamal M. Bullocks, M.D.
- Cosmetic Surgery in the Ethnic Population: Special Considerations and Procedures
- Sunishka Wimalawansa, M.D., Aisha McKnight, M.D., and Jamal M. Bullocks, M.D.
- Socioeconomic Impact of Ethnic Cosmetic Surgery: Trends and Potential Financial Impact the African American, Asian American, Latin American, and Middle Eastern Communities Have on Cosmetic Surgery
- Roberta J. Honigman, MSW; Alun C. Jackson, PhD; and Nicki A. Dowling, PhD
- The PreFACE: A Preoperative Psychosocial Screen for Elective Facial Cosmetic Surgery and Cosmetic Dentistry Patients
- Gaspare Tagliacozzi: Plastic Surgery of the Nose : De Curtorum Chirurgia, 1597
Breast Reconstruction — Medical Discourse and Illustration
- Charles M Balch, MD, and Lisa K Jacobs, MD
- Mastectomies on the Rise for Breast Cancer: "The Tide is Changing"
- Michael A Martin, Ramona Meyricke, Terry O'Neill, and Steven Roberts
- Mastectomy or Breast Conserving Surgery? Factors affecting Type of Surgical Treatment for Breast Cancer — a Classification Tree Approach
- Chen JY, Malin J, Ganz PA, Ko C, Tisnado D, Tao ML, Timmer M, Adams JL, Kahn KL.
- Variation in Physician-patient Discussion of Breast Reconstruction
- Mal Bebbington Hatcher, Lesley Fallowfield
- The Psychosocial Impact of Bilateral Prophylactic Mastectomy
Psychology and Sociology
- Randy A Sansone, MD, Lori A Sansone, MD
- Cosmetic Surgery and Psychological Issues
- Roberta J Honigman, BComm, BsocWork, AASW
- Katharine A Philiips, MD; David J Castle, MSc, MD, MRCPsych, FRANZCP : A Review of Psychological Outcomes for Patients Seeking Cosmetic Surgery
- Cressida Heyes
- Diagnosing Culture: Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Cosmetic Surgery
- Steven S. Platek, Devendra Singh
- Optimal Waist-to-Hip Ratios in Women Activate Neural Reward Centers in Men
- Victor S Johnston
- Facial Beauty and Mate Choice Decisions
Dr. Stephen Marquardt's Beauty Analysis
Feminism and Cultural Studies
- Nora Ruck
- Beauty Normalized: Normalization and Optimization of the Human Body in Cosmetic Surgery and Psychological Attractiveness Research
- Brenda R Weber
- Beauty, Desire, and Anxiety: the Economy of Sameness in ABC's Extreme Makeover
- Kathy Davis
- Surgical Passing: Or Why Michael Jackson's Nose Makes 'Us' Uneasy
- Meredith Jones
- Architecture of the Body: Cosmetic Surgery and Postmodern Space
- Alicia R Ouellette
- Eyes Wide Open: Surgery to Westernize the Eyes of an Asian Child
Philosophy and Ethics
- Arthur Caplan, Carl Elliott
- Is it Ethical that we Use Enhancement Technologies that Make Us Better Than Well?
- Cressida Heyes
- Cosmetic Surgery and the Televisual Makeover: A Foucauldian Feminist Reading
- Joanna Zylinska
- Of Swans and Ugly Ducklings: Bioethics between Humans, Animals, and Machines
- Meredith Jones
- Makeover Culture’s Dark Side: Breasts, Death and Lolo Ferarri
The famous come-back video Spiegel by the all-female German Hip Hop group Tic Tac Toe came out in 2005.
It deals with female body image disorder, and the resulting desire to change everything about oneself, when looking into the Spiegel (mirror). It is told through the voices of three participants of a group therapy session who come out rapping their self-hatred.
Selected Links
NIH Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Info
The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: Journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons
Nasal "S" Implant for African American Rhinoplasty
Medical Illustration by Jennifer Gentry
Mastectomy and Breast Reconstruction Info from The Johns Hopkins University Hospital
Cosmetic Surgery Tourism Research Project
Reality TV Makeover Shows
Cosmetic Surgery and Film