Cosmetic surgery/Attributions

Attributions: Cosmetic Surgery: Medicine, Culture, Beauty, edited by Bernadette Wegenstein

Joel Schlessinger, MD, FAAD, FAACS, Daniel Schlessinger, and Bernard Schlessinger, PhD Prospective Demographic Study of Cosmetic Surgery Patients

Anne F Klassen, Andrea L Pusic, Amy Scott, Jennifer Klok, Stefan J Cano Satisfaction and quality of life in women who undergo breast surgery: A qualitative study

Jamal M. Bullocks, M.D. Cosmetic Surgery in the Ethnic Population: Special Considerations and Procedures

Sunishka Wimalawansa, M.D., Aisha McKnight, M.D., and Jamal M. Bullocks, M.D. Socioeconomic Impact of Ethnic Cosmetic Surgery: Trends and Potential Financial Impact the African American, Asian American, Latin American, and Middle Eastern Communities Have on Cosmetic Surgery

Roberta J. Honigman, MSW; Alun C. Jackson, PhD; and Nicki A. Dowling, PhD The PreFACE: A Preoperative Psychosocial Screen for Elective Facial Cosmetic Surgery and Cosmetic Dentistry Patients

Michael A Martin, Ramona Meyricke, Terry O'Neill, and Steven Roberts Mastectomy or Breast Conserving Surgery? Factors affecting Type of Surgical Treatment for Breast Cancer — a Classification Tree Approach

Chen JY, Malin J, Ganz PA, Ko C, Tisnado D, Tao ML, Timmer M, Adams JL, Kahn KL. Variation in Physician-patient Discussion of Breast Reconstruction

Mal Bebbington Hatcher, Lesley Fallowfield The Psychosocial Impact of Bilateral Prophylactic Mastectomy

Randy A Sansone, MD, Lori A Sansone, MD Cosmetic Surgery and Psychological Issues

Roberta J Honigman, BComm, BsocWork, AASW: Katharine A Philiips, MD; David J Castle, MSc, MD, MRCPsych, FRANZCP A Review of Psychological Outcomes for Patients Seeking Cosmetic Surgery

Cressida Heyes Diagnosing Culture: Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Cosmetic Surgery

Steven S. Platek, Devendra Singh Optimal Waist-to-Hip Ratios in Women Activate Neural Reward Centers in Men

Victor S Johnston Facial Beauty and Mate Choice Decisions

Dr. Stephen Marquardt's Beauty Analysis

Nora Ruck Beauty Normalized: Normalization and Optimization of the Human Body in Cosmetic Surgery and Psychological Attractiveness Research (PDF)

Brenda R Weber Beauty, Desire, and Anxiety: the Economy of Sameness in ABC's Extreme Makeover

Kathy Davis Surgical Passing: Or Why Michael Jackson's Nose Makes 'Us' Uneasy (PDF)

Meredith Jones Architecture of the Body: Cosmetic Surgery and Postmodern Space

Alicia R Ouellette Eyes Wide Open: Surgery to Westernize the Eyes of an Asian Child

Arthur Caplan, Carl Elliott Is it Ethical that we Use Enhancement Technologies that Make Us Better Than Well?

Cressida Heyes Cosmetic Surgery and the Televisual Makeover: A Foucauldian Feminist Reading

Joanna Zylinska Of Swans and Ugly Ducklings: Bioethics between Humans, Animals, and Machines

Meredith Jones Makeover Culture’s Dark Side: Breasts, Death and Lolo Ferarri

Interview with Sander Gilman

Selected links

Reality TV Makeover Shows

Cosmetic Surgery and Film